Friday, March 2, 2012

Happy Birthday Ollie!

Guys! Today is Ollie's Armstrong birthday! (Billie's mother) I wish her a lot of love from her children and grandchildren :) Thank You Ollie for giving birth to this AWESOME man! Billie of course has written wishes for his mum on Twitter:
"Happy birthday Mom! Ollie Louise Armstrong Love-Billie"
Isn't that cute? :PP Billie has witten 200 tweets so far, maybe it's not so much but every tweet from him is very good news for Green Day fans :) As I promised I add some nice photos ;) ENJOY!

Haha I love Tre's face here :P

Mike :p
I ♥ this car :p
in the trunk :>

Sluggers T-shirt *~*
Insomniac times

haha "duck lips" :p
~Rage and Love~

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